Policies & Terms of Service.
Client Expectations:
Ultimately you are responsible for your own choices and decisions. This work is designed as a support system to help you along the way and is limited to just that.
Ocean Alchemy does not offer support outside of call times, voice chat, or purchased online content.
It is up to you to commit to show up and work with what is most alive for you in a container. You understand there is a journey filled with exploration, joy, letting go and sometimes challenging moments. You are committed to moving through these sensations and experiences with grace.
You understand that entering this work can reveal new paths and shifts.
If you would like to recommend Ocean Alchemy Ltd. or Rachel Kirkham please provide the website www.oceanalchemy.ca
Use of Content:
All content, videos and purchased products, courses and email content are the property of Ocean Alchemy Ltd. Any use, resale, stolen works, content repurposing is not allowed.
Please do not share purchased content to others. Direct them to the website so they can purchase individually.
All content in Intertidal, courses or recorded one to one sessions are not for resale, distribution or shared use.
Policies on Payments, Returns, Exchanges:
Based on the nature of this work, there are no refunds or exchanges available.
Each person's results are based on where they are at personally and is unique to the individual. Please be conscious and responsible when participating in this exchange and trust yourself above all else.
Non-payment or cancellation will result in pause of all services and/or future services.
All in-person experiences, retreats, trainings must be paid for before the experience or session occurs.
Clients may leave containers at anytime. However, the financial agreement will be upheld.
Donation Based Healing Container:
This container is offered for those who would like to work with Ocean Alchemy but have financial constraint for various reasons.
There is a limit to one time purchase per person.
This offer is on a sliding scale. Please choose a number that is both empowering and sustainable for you.
Please do not opt into this service if you have the financial means. There is only a limited amount that Ocean Alchemy can offer per year and is reserved for those who are in financial hardship.
Any donations to Ocean Alchemy Ltd. are gratefully received. Each donation will go toward expansion, team building and supplies that create a better service/product for clients. However, we cannot provide tax credits as this is a for profit corporation.
The only representative of Ocean Alchemy Ltd. is Rachel Kirkham.
If you would like to connect with our team please use the contact page to do so.