Her Song Is Calling You Home
One of the greatest relationships that is so commonly missing or numbed out, is relationship to land. To nature.
The void, ache we feel sometimes is not for person or dream but for place.
Whether it be ancestral or chosen lands, there is a deep treasure in this connection.
This is because we are the land we live on.
We are nature.
And even with all the cities, population and busy mind energy, it is impossible not feel the enchantment, the song that is calling you.
Even if it’s fleeting or just in the background.
It’s in the sparkles on the water
In the breezes that caress your skin
In the aroma of wild wildflowers as you walk by.
Her nature lives within you
And wants to deeply connect with you.
Your yearning for time in the forest is also a yearning Gaia has for you too.
The oceans, streams, trees and animals want to be in connection with you.
In many ways they are already reaching out to you.
Being in tune with this Earth eros, her song, her pulse, is the direct remedy for so much of our world today.
Part of the ache we feel can’t be mended through pop culture psychology, the next supplement or at the mall.
Even the bio hacking or meditation won’t quite quench your thirst.
This is because we are designed to be deeply attuned to earth and her expressions.
It is apart of a deeper reunification pulsing within you.
To return to the earth and listen to her rhythms.
Let her hold you.
Let the sun shine so brightly on your skin.
Hear the melody that’s always humming.
This is your birth right.
Your original blueprint.